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Frequently Asked Questions
Course Builder
I have forgotten my password, what do I do?
I have created an index and it hasn't appeared on the dashboard, why?
How can I tell if an index has been deactivated?
How do I access the xCenta system?
How do I log into the xCenta System?
View all 24
Employees Module
Essentials - Property Module: Landlord
How do I deactivate a course on the employees module?
How do I assign a course to multiple Employees?
How to access e-Learning that doesn't appear in the workload section
xCenta Essentials Update 1.15
How do I assign one action for any assigned user to complete?
How do I assign an individual action for each assigned user?
I click on the action to view details, but nothing happens? How do I view it?
When I look at my actions, why is there so many?
How do I complete actions that I am not assigned to?
View all 24
How do you email out an alert to users with specific roles?
How do I view alerts?
How do I create an alert?
How do I edit an alert?
How do I filter alerts?
View all 9
I want to attach a file to a form, is there a size limit?
Can I print my form in PDF format?
I need to upload more than one file into a form, can I do this?
Can I expand the size of the input field when creating a question/statement/paragraph within a form template?
How do I add an attachment to a form?
View all 19
Review Periods
How do I permanently change the Review Period on the dashboard screen?
How do you delete an incident?
How do I add a question to an incident?
How do I answer a question to an incident?
What does add response do in a question?
How do I know if the question I ask has been answered?
View all 19
How do I add an audit?
How do I edit an audit?
How do I add a form to an audit?
How do I delete an audit?
How many forms can I add to an audit?
View all 9
I can see someone else's training courses on my employee e-learning record, why?
What do the active / inactive/ on leave tabs mean on Employees?
How do I add qualifications to a user?
How do I edit the information in an employee record?
What does policies and procedures do at the bottom of the employee records?
View all 27
How do I create a new piece of equipment?
How do I delete a piece of a equipment?
How do I add a form to a piece of equipment?
How do I add a note to a piece of equipment?
How do I add an attachment to a piece of equipment?
View all 15
Policies and Procedures
How do I delete a form from Policy and Procedures?
How do I delete a Policy and Procedure?
How do I see who has and who hasn't completed the policy?
How do I complete a policy that is assigned to me?
Does it send out emails when being assigned a policy?
View all 6
How do I add a folder to the documents module?
How do I delete a folder in the documents module?
How do I add a document to the documents module?
How do I delete a document in the documents module?
How do I rename a document in the documents module?
View all 18
How do I create a report?
How do I generate a report?
How do I save a report?
You would like to print a report, but the report has more than one page and only lets you print a single page at a time, what do you do to print it all together?
How do I navigate once in a report?
View all 6
Occupational Health
How do I add a result to a Occupational Health module?
How do you add a note to a test in a Occupational Health module?
How do you delete a test in a Occupational Health module?
Where do you check if a test is required or not required in an Occupational Health module?
How do I assign an Occupational Health Check to a role?
View all 10
Manage Site
How do I add a department to a site?
How do I set up the escalation process for a site?
How do you change the site details?
Why can't I delete a department?
What does the Read Request Period (days) determine?
Manage Users
How do I assign training paths to be available to the user now?
How do I link a user to more than one site?
A user has tried logging in and is displayed with 'The user name or password provided is incorrect', however they do have the correct username, what do you do?
How do I create a new user?
How do I make a user inactive?
View all 19
Manage Roles
How do I create a role on the xCenta system?
How do I assign Permissions to roles?
What does occupational health checks do in a role?
How do I delete a role?
What do form templates do on a role?
View all 10
Manage Site Indexes and Forms
How do I order or re-order the indexes within the indexes Module?
How do you edit a form in an index?
How do I assign a user to a form?
How do I add an index?
How do I edit an index?
View all 23
Manage Site Form Templates
How to create and add a policy read receipt?
How do I create a form template?
How do I de-activate a sub-index?
How do I complete a Risk Assessment/ Checklist?
How to complete a Risk Assessment / Checklist (New Module)
How do I filter my Risk Assessments / Checklists? (New Module)
How do I access an Archived Form? (New Module)
View all 6
Manage e-learning Course Default Settings
How do I allocate e-learning by role (Training Pathways)?
Contractor Control
How do I deactivate a contractor?
How do I add a new contractor?
How do I edit a contractor?
How do I edit sites?
What does the 'Jump to' button do?
View all 20