From the xCenta Dashboard, click on Tools > Admin in the top right of the screen.

A new window will appear. Click on Manage Users on the left hand side of the screen.

A new page will appear, click on the  icon.

A new window will appear, for the selected user. To make a user inactive, input a date into the End Date field which is in the past e.g. the date that the user no longer requires access to the xCenta system. Then click Save.

The page will refresh and the status bar will update to  NOT ACTIVE.In turn this will also update the employee record, filling in the end date and also changing the status to past.

Additional checks maybe needed to be carried out once the user has been made inactive.

Please click here to learn how to Re-assign Actions. Actions have to be re-assigned for that particular user otherwise the actions will most likely be missed and not completed.

Please click here to learn how to remove users from a form.

Please click here to learn how to edit the Reports To function in an employee record.

If you are unable to follow these instructions, you may not have the required user permissions. Please contact your Site Administrator.