Something to bear in mind if you are wanting to complete e-Learning before it appears in your workload the courses you do will all expire at the same time, depending on the expiry period for those courses.

So as an example, if you complete 10 courses all on the same day with the same expiry period when they come round to expire and reassign they will be in your workload to do at the same time.

From the xCenta Dashboard, click on the Employees (New) module.

A new page will appear, click the drop down and select the relevant person.

Once your employee record has loaded up, click the e-Learning tab. The e-Learning section will appear showing all outstanding courses you have to complete in a table. Click the title of the e-Learning course and it will then load up for you to complete.

Once you have watched the course and completed the series of questions, it will then be removed from the Outstanding tab and move into the Completed / Failed tab.