From the xCenta Dashboard, click on the Equipment icon in the Modules section.
A new page will appear. Click on Create New Equipment.
A new pop up will appear, with a category drop down box. Click on the relevant category and additional fields will appear. Enter the relevant information and click Next.
Category - Select from the drop-down the most relevant equipment category.
Equipment Roles - Select from the drop-down the most relevant equipment roles, this is not a required field. Click here to find out how the equipment role works.
Make/Model, Location, Code/Serial No, Type and Status - These fields are required, enter the relevant information.
Next Scheduled Dates - Enter the relevant dates if applicable, but these fields aren't a required field to create the equipment, so if any are not applicable leave blank.
Once you have clicked Next. A new pop up will appear, it will give you the option to add any notes or attachments to the piece of equipment that may be applicable. If you don't need to add any notes or attachments click on the Finish button.
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