From the xCenta Dashboard, click on Tools > Admin in the top right of the screen. 

From the administration screen, click on Manage Site Indexes and Forms.

A new page will appear, you will be presented with a list of indexes that have been added at the site you are logged in to, (see screenshot below).  

On the right hand side of the screen there is a column called Order, numbers can be entered (in ascending order) into the column table to represent which order the indexes will be presented on the Dashboard screen. In our example, entering 1 in the order column against the index "Checklists" will denote this index appears first. Similarly entering 4 in the column against index "Template Documents" will denote this index appears fourth in our list.

If no order criteria is selected (i.e. putting a "0" in the field), the system will automatically order the indexes alphabetically.

To confirm the changes, click the Update Order button. The page will refresh with the amended order.

If you are unable to follow these instructions, you may not have the required user permissions. Please contact your Site Administrator.