From xCenta Dashboard click on the 'Indexes' module.

A new page will appear. Select the relevant Index.

A drop down will appear.

To access checklists select the Eye Icon next to 'Management Inspections'.

For Risk Assessments select Eye Icon next to  'Risk Assessments'.

A new section will appear. Select the relevant checklist/ risk assessment.

A pop up will appear. You will need to fill out all the questions with *.

If you would like to add attachments click on the following icons:

- The response history icon will show you what the user has answered

- The notes icon will allow you to add notes to the question.

- The camera icon will allow you to attach a file or image.

- The exclamation icon will allow you to create an action.

- The email icon will allow you to create an email reminder.

You will need to fill out all the required fields to complete the risk assessment/ checklist. 

To complete the risk assessment/checklist, click the Complete button, this will be at the bottom and top of the form.