From the xCenta Dashboard, click on the Documents icon in the Modules section.
A new window will appear. Click on the folder on the left side and it will bring up all the sub folders that exist. Click on the folder you wish to add the document to and then select Add Document.
A new pop up will appear. Choose the file you want to upload from your local computer drive, then type in the name of the document in the display name field with a brief description of the document in the description field.
Please note the version number is an optional field so you can leave this blank. For the document group please choose 'General Documents' from the drop down. Then click Next.
The next step is to choose if you want to review the document in the future and gives you the option to send a document reminder to a specific individual.
The Review Date and Review Reminder fields are both optional and can be left blank. Click Next.
The final stage allows you to create tags that can assist when searching for documents, this section is optional and does not have to be filled in. Click Finish.
If you are unable to follow these instructions, you may not have the required user permissions. Please contact your Site Administrator.