From the xCenta Dashboard, select the Employees New Module.

The Employees module will open up, use the dropdown box to select the employee you wish to add the training record to.

The chosen employee's record will open, Select the Yellow Form Icon.

The forms section will open up, select Add New.

A pop up will appear, Select the Training Records form from the Drop down box, use the text box labeled 'form title' to enter the name of the form, select the due date using the calendar *Note - the due date is the renewal date. Then select the Green Save Icon. 

The pop up will close and you will be left inside the forms section of the employees record. 

To Complete the Training Record, Select the training record form inside the forms section of the employees record.

To Add a note select the Notes tab at the top of the form.

The notes Section will open up, select Add Note.

A pop up will appear, Type in you note and then select Ok

To add an attachment, go back into the notes section and select Add Attachment on the note you have just added.

A pop up will appear, click on choose file then select the file you wish to add then select Upload.

A new page will openFill in the relevant information, then select Complete. * if you select Yes to the reminder a pop up will appear allowing you to create an Action.